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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Trump has promised that, within the next two weeks, he will produce a report that completely exonerates him with respect to the Georgia indictment. Get a new calendar and mark it so as not to miss a report wi th evidence no one has found since the election.

Alternatively, find your old calendar where you wrote Mexico will pay for the Wall, and Covid will be gone quickly so there is nothing to worry about. I think Trump should get an award for being the first person to live on a planet other than earth.


Traveling from Miami Airport to Austin was another not uncommon American Airlines nightmare. Got to airport two hours in advance. Know baggage was atrocious and not needing a lot of things I took two very small carry bags. I could have walked with them but not to Opa Locka, and my departure gate was the last one in the airport. The very nice man who checked me in assessed the situation and insisted that I needed a wheelchair—-I did.

First over half an hour to get through security, then five different elevators together with a train and the gate D 60 was the very last one in the airport. The ramp going into the plane was the steepest I have ever seen.

I got on board, and we sat on the ground. There was a maintenance problem, no working bathrooms which, with my diarrhetic, not good news. American could not do the repair so we had to switch planes. Fortunately they had one and we took off only an hour late. However, the internet was broken. The air conditioning worked. The plane was so cold, one could pack meat. All the American people were efficient, kind and considerate, but public airline travel, particularly for me, is not easy.

Finally arrived in Austin and then real fun began checking into Four Season's where my friend Kim Levinson (Ross Beckerman ‘s youngest daughter) lives. She got me and my baseball buddies Lowell and Len a half price deal on a nice room. When I checked in, with some negotiation I got upgraded to a suite for $300 a night. Okay, but the room was set up so that the bathroom was a mile away from the bed uphill both ways. I asked for a different layout. Okay, but that is $2500 a night more. I lost my argument all the way up and went back to my original room paying no more and having an easily accessible bathroom.


I am offering to help Trump if he would provide sufficient funds for me to fly privately. Hell, if Justice Thomas gets free private flights making some of the worst decisions in history, I, who would decide exactly the opposite, should benefit in some way.


Had a nice dinner with Kim and Adam, her husband and Lowell and Len. My first impressions of Austin have been very positive.

It was 104 when arrived in Austin, but not nearly as oppressive as Reno..


Today we visit the LBJ Library.

Yesterday, I left town and assumed Beth would make sure the Marlins won. Wrong.

Today is Granddaughter Alanna’s 18th birthday. Happy Birthday. I was already dating your Grandma when she was 18


See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.


Go Ukraine

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