Very good Marlin game yesterday, and believe it or not, the food in the PNC Club was eatable. Went with Jimmy Stern and his Wife Barbi. There is no nice, kinder more able doctor, and Jimmy is the official unofficial medical guru for most of our family. He is also a huge Pirate and Steeler fan so we always set aside ticket for him whenever either team is in town.
Have been to all home baseball games since returning to Florida. Now the Marlins go on the road. I have loved going to ballparks since I first went in 1947. Lots of people do not understand how great a game baseball is, but, for those who do, it is really as much fun as one can have with their clothes on.
Today is my late Brother’s birthday, but I have elected not to say anything more than I did in yesterday’s post.
Hopefully my trainer will come today. He had to cancel last Friday. Expecting the plumber and hoping to receive the painting bid. By the way, our telephone landlines are broken so anyone needing to reach us, use our cells or text or email. Repair not scheduled until 29..
When I call various places, I feel like I have won the lottery if I get to talk to a live person rather than to answer computer prompts that are inane. Then, even if I get to talk to a real person, I rarely can understand their dialect. I do not do well with those in Mumbai who talk so fast, I catch about every tenth word.
Life is much easier in Italy and much more law abiding. Driving to the baseball stadium over the weekend, I saw at least half a dozen cars illegally break into the express lanes. Barbara will not let me honk my horn, lest the other driver take out a gun and shoot me.
I was looking forward to watching the Sunday morning news shows, but some unexpected circumstances occurred, and I had to address them.
If I were forced to vote Republican, I would vote for Christie. At least he is not certifiably insane.
Some team has to beat the Braves. I doubt it will be the Marlins who just match up badly with them whether on the road or at home. It was a pleasure, however, to see crowds in excess of 20,000 for two games this past weekend. Maybe it does matter to play competitively.

The more I listen to Willie’s Roadhouse, the more I appreciate country music. It is fun and the talent is amazing. Do not be a musical snob and give it a chance.
Not much of substance in this post, but I did not have anything I wanted to say. Biden is four points ahead of Trump in the latest polls. DeSantis has dropped nine points which is good.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine