Marlins are improving. Only lost by a field goal. For next year, I am suggesting a rule change that the Braves get only two outs per inning.
I would not vote for Mike Pence no matter what. However, I heard him yesterday being interviewed, and the man actually had a better grasp of our foreign relations than any of the other Republican candidate. Pence actually expressed some cogent thoughts.
Charles Barkeley, in response to SCOTUS finding affirmative action unconstitutional, has amended his Will to leave $5 million to his alma mater Auburn. It will be interesting to see if it helps and whether others will donate in response to this decision loved by conservatives and detested by liberals.
Son Charles and his Wife Cindy visited us yesterday. Managed to drink a bottle of Louise and Jarvis. First drinks for a while. Dry, pleasant.
How about this, everyone who believes in gay rights should, when walking into any establishment, announce that he or she is gay or transgender, and ask if the there is a problem doing business with them. Maybe I will not have to pay my taxes if the I.R.S. agent assigned to my case is homophobic.
Going to Marlins game tonight with daughter, grandson Blake and his friend Logan visiting him from St Louis.
Trump seems to be getting a stronger hold on the Republican nomination. As a Democrat, I am happy about that because I think Biden has a better chance of beating Trump than anyone else. Trump heading the ticket should also result in the Democrats regaining control of the House. I am less confident about the Senate.
I see Yellen is scheduled to go to China. I have a lot of confidence in her, much more than in the Federal Reserve.

I hope I can find “Yankee Doodle Dandy” on some television station. That is a movie I have seen dozens of times because Cagney’s performance of George M Cohan is one of the best in the history of the movies. “My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you and I thank you”.
I appreciate the many nice comments about yesterday’s post. No one gave a damn about the CEO of United apologizing for flying privately.
I await DeSantis’ next unconstitutional piece of legislation.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine