Senator Dianne Feinstein died yesterday at age 90. She was an extraordinary person and we have lost another great person.

Now, before the funeral, expect all kinds of jockeying with respect to her replacement. Does it have to be a woman? If not, my preference is Adam Schiff.
However, I think Newsom has pledged to name a black woman. He will not want to interfere with the 2024 senatorial election so expect him to appoint a caretaker for the seat who has no interest in a permanent position.
Marlins pulled off another miracle getting four runs in the 8th to win 4 to 3 over the Pirates. It is hard to count them out.
Will miss at least half of Michigan game today because have to help my Wife with her phone bank. It is imperative that we have a huge Democratic turnout in Broward. I was just advised that I only have to make and bring the sangria and can see the game. So, I will come home to do that.
Sorry I am late but just got up. We did not get home until midnight last night. We had a great time on Seabourn’s beautiful new ship the Pursuit. We both loved the ship. We had a really great dinner. The head sommelier for Seabourn, was there. We know him well because we took his master class on our world cruise. He gave us a private tour of the ship and then brought us many special wines at dinner. We knew several of the staff and were very well looked after by the Centurion people. I would go on a expedition even though my kayaking days and hiking on ice are over. Actually, they never began, but Barbara does not want to go.
From all accounts the impeachment hearing was a total farce, and it appears inevitable that our government will shutdown at midnight tonight. McCarthy is leading the gang that could not shoot straight.
Judge Chutkin has set argument on the gag order issue for October 16. I do not understand why it is taking so much time to adjudicate that issue. I have to assume the papers are in so why not have the hearing sooner?
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine