If Trump had an intelligent thought in his head, it would die of loneliness.
A man is observed every day at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. He prays for exactly 20 minutes, then leaves and comes back the next day to pray another 20 minutes. Finally, he is asked by someone who noticed this routine “what are you praying for?” The man replies “ I am praying for peace throughout the Middle East. Everyone should love Israel and all countries should love each other”. “How are you doing?” He was asked. “”It’s like talking to a wall” he replied. A funnier punch line is "you‘d better let me take another look at that map” but to obscene for this post.
I understand the best result is a long term peace in the Middle East. A cure for all cancer is also the best result. We have a better chance with cancer or at least most of them. Why now do people think there is a realistic chance of long term peace? This is a problem that has been unresolvable since there has been an Israel. How do you resolve a problem with someone not interested in a resolution? You tell me.
Jim Jordan is now nominated for Speaker. Oh my!
A very nice dinner last night with my partner and friend Stuart Singer. EddieV’s was packed but excellent.
Of course, with our government at a standstill, the House is not in sesssion. I don’t know about the Senate, but I do know there is lots of work to be done that is not getting done.
Hamas has told the Palestinians not to leave. Many cannot, but some can. Many of those who stay willl be killed.
Front step bannister due in a couple of hots. A very good friend is in ICU after falling twice and some related to me by marriage, now in assisted living, was carted off to a hospital a few days ago.
Our granddaughter Kasey is one of three freshman to make the varsity soccer team a Fort. Lauderdale High. That is a really big deal. Congratulations.
It continues to amaze me how any Americans can blame Biden for the Hamas savagery. There are many different views among the Israelis but I have not heard one complaint about Biden. To the contrary, many have gone out of their way to thank him.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine