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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Writer's picture: Carol LiegeCarol Liege

The Marlin are now home and won again. 8 to 6. They gave up three runs in the 9th, so their bullpen is still weak and fans have to know that no lead the Marlins have in the late innings is enough.

We have season tickets. Last year, as part of our ticket package we were given $1700 a month to spend on food and souvenirs. This season, without explanation of any kind, we were given $83 a month. That might buy some sushi or a T shirt. We are inquiring.


Lunch in Corazzano was, once again, terrific. This was the Wheatleys swan song on this visit. They were wonderful and most generous guests. It is really good that we are compatible, because next year we travel with them for several months.


Some may recall that my partner since 1968, Joe Schwartz, retired in December. Yesterday his Brother Bob, who has worked with me almost 40 years, announced his retirement. I depended upon Bob a great deal because in addition to being a lawyer, he was a CPA, and no one was better at drafting unambiguous Prenups and analyzing Prenups. These are often mangled by other lawyers who have no business doing them.

Of course, I wish Bob and Francine a long, healthy and fun retirement. On the other hand, my support system is adversely affected, and I will need to find help elsewhere. As my friends know, I do not like change.


Am I going to have to buy a gun? Governor DeSantis has pledged that he will sign a bill allowing Floridians to openly carry guns. I told you we are going backwards in our country and, particularly, in places like Florida.


Boris Becker is actually going to jail. Donald Trump is thinking about running for President and hoodlums like MTG hold public office. Something is wrong with that picture.


It appears the Judge does not believe that Donald Trump has no records to produce pursuant to a subpoena. The $10,000 per day fine remains in place.


Gene and Linda are off to see the David, which is a ten minute crawl from our apartment. Not sure of our plans today, but it would be good if I can eat home.


The article I read gives the Dolphins a C+ for their first pick, which was the 102nd overall pick in the draft. What do all you football aficionados think?


In the good news/bad news department, the dollar is really strong against the euro ($1.05) but the stock market is in a free fall.


Our driver in Italy is already feeling the increase in gasoline prices. He has to try to rework the bids for future business. We still have it better in the United States than in most places, but I fear that will soon change.


How can Warnock be behind four points in Georgia?


Go Ukraine.

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