Keep in mind, never forget, that if the Republicans win the House, they did so dishonestly by gerrymandering around the country. Just in Florida alone, DeSantis took away five Black seats that were almost certain to be blue.
Even after getting royally screwed, the Black vote in Florida did not come out to protest at the ballot box. Blame can be laid many places, but it does not help. What helps is fixing the problem starting with leadership from the Democratic Party. If they had an A Team, it certainly was not in Florida.
What can win in Florida is a solid ground game. Knocking on doors, meeting the votes. There is no money in that for the professionals. The money is made on things like television ads and that is where most of the money went.
If the Republicans win the House, the new Speaker, whether it is McCarthy or not, should have as asterisk next to his or her name. They did not use steroids. Their cheating was much worse than that.
I finished Willie Nelson’s book Me and Paul. I loved every word of it so much that my bet is that I will read it again. I am not going to explain why because, as open about myself as I am, the feelings Willie’s words evoked in my are ones I just do not want to share. I wil just say this book meant a lot to me and I feel very grateful that I read it.
Decided to start the Merle Haggard biography as my next book. The last time I attended the Grand Old Opry in Nashville, Haggard was the unannounced guest artist. He was absolutely great.
If our country really gets lucky, Trump and DeSantis will kill each other off. They are both horrible, but in different ways. My hope is that someone like Cheney or Kinzinger will be able to step over the bodies of two MAGA Republicans, and actually give America a real two party system allowing everyone in Washington to work together to try to solve our problems.
Remember, there will always be problems. There is no such thing as perfection. It is an aspirational goal. However, what really made America Great was our Constitution and the concept that we did a lot of things wrong in our history, but most of us realized it and worked toward improving the many injustices that existed and still exist.
We are still in a time machine going in the wrong direction, but the results of the mid-term elections stopped us from going back at warp speed. We still have to deal the Cruz, Hawley, Johnson, Greene, Boebart, Goetz, Lake, and McCarthy mentality, just to name a few. However, I was about to give up hope for our Democracy and now I have not.
The strong consensus, as we have discussed, is that the big loser in the mid-terms, at least on the Republican side, is Former President Trump. The obvious place to look is at the Senate, where the Democrats not only kept control but could strengthen their control if they win Georgia. Then, the House, where if the Republicans do win, they win with a far smaller margin than expected. There was no huge red wave. Then there were the Governors’ races where they again only did fair, and if they lose Arizona, which they could, they did lousy.
The icing on the cake, and this is key, Trump endorsed four candidates for Secretary of State. All four election deniers lost. These are the people who oversee the elections.
Of course, Trump would never say he picked bad people. He picked candidates who bought into his Big Lie which more and more of even his supporters are getting tired of hearing about.
What remains to be seen is whether Trump, who has had more lives than a cat, can come back again. One thing we do know is that he will not go quietly into the night. It is just not in his DNA.
During the time I have known my Wife (we met in September 1958 and married in March 1961), she has had a number of nicknames. Those included Barbara Fox (compliments of Bobby Baer), Trixie (probably Marty Silverstein), my first wife and the incumbent (me), and as of today’s brunch, Exhibit A. How did that come about?
My sister said to me when I said I have to be dead or in a coma not to want to come to this brunch (I really love everything about the experience), “you know, Jimmy, you are a creature of habit” and I pointed to Barbara and said, “Yup, there is Exhibit A (B,C,D & E)”.
Followed the Dolphins game. They won but did not like missed extra points. and Hill and Waddle did not have particularly big days. Waiting for report from daughter Beth who was at game. Buffalo lost so believe Dolphins are in first place
Why was it necessary for the Warnock campaign to send me no less than 15 requests for money in one 12 hour period? Why isn’t the DN C funding this runoff campaign? I might send something if it would guarantee I would never be asked again.
Many of the cruise lines advertise ”fly for free”. Does anyone really think it is free? The air fare is actually included in the fare of the cruise. Some cruise lines will provide a credit if you do not fly with them. Others do not.
Off soon to Central Market to start stocking the apartment with food. Mostly we eat chicken at home but it tastes different, much better, than the chicken in the States. Also have to order the Thanksgiving Turkey.
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