Had almost 11,000 steps yesterday. I just need to stay disciplined and do everything I am supposed to do everyday, if possible. It is really making a difference.
Supreme Court refused to grant Lindsey Graham the relief he sought. Yeah! However, Graham will probably not be cooperative.
Former President Trump was granted temporary relief by Chief Justice Roberts with respect to producing his tax returns. Would be surprised if Court takes the case but have lost all faith that they will rule in what I think is the right way.
Preordered what I thought was a very benign chicken dish on my plane flight. Took one bite and knew right away it was one big sodium bomb. Fortunately, Barbara packed me more than a sufficient lunch just in case.
I am still shaking my head at the callous way the Republicans are treating what happened to Paul Pelosi. It is no longer an exaggeration that they really are soulless, full of hate and only interested in power. The Democrats are far from perfect, but compared to the Republicans, they are saints. It really is disheartening.
Phillies hit five home runs and are up 7 to 0. They lead World Series 2 games to 1. Destiny seems to have taken a hand.
Tonight attend a dinner for the American Academy in Rome.
Read nothing about Tom Brady yesterday.
Michigan game this Saturday is at 7:30 p.m so I can help Barbara all afternoon with her efforts to get out the vote.
Go Ukraine and vote as if your life depended upon it. Get others to vote as well.