Yesterday was an uneventful sea day, the second of three on our way to the last Australian port in Broome. We did not win in trivial pursuit but it was fun nonetheless.
Had to good days in the stock market, but can lose the gains and much more if the Federal Reserve says or does something that throws investors into a dither.
Having a lot of trouble understanding why Trump’s supporters are so up in arms about the possibility of his being indicted. Forget whether he is convicted. A jury could find him innocent and, if it does, so be it. The issue to me is that of a double standard. If an ordinary citizen would normally be indicted, then Trump should be indicted. There cannot be one set of laws applied to the Trumps of the world and another set to everyone else. I do not find this a complicated issue.
It was all right to scream ”lock her up” when it was Hilary Clinton. I am not say “lock him up” because that is not my decision or yours. However, the future of our criminal justice system is at stake. That is more important than any one person.
Not enough people showed up for poker so no poker yesterday. Very disappointing but part of it is due to Carnival’s stupidity’s. They run the casino as badly as I ever ever seen a casino run including paying 6 to 5 on a blackjack instead of 3 to 2. Hard to believe anyone would play but some do.
One thing about a long cruise, which I am virtually certain, will be our last one, is that I have a lot of time to think about all kinds of things. That includes how lucky Barbara and I have been, the future for us, our children and grandchildren and others we really care about.
However, it is not just about us. I think about the world we live in. I think about our dysfunctional government, about how to improve the United States, and what it will take for everyone in the world to coexist at least with more harmony than I observe now.
I wish I could be more optimistic but I am having a lot of trouble. I thought my parents, with whatever faults they may have had, did a great job of teaching me. Sometimes Barbara asks me if I am proud of something. I really do not think in those terms. I do think in terms of how grateful I am for having the code of ethics and views about others that I have. I guess I am proud that I am not a bigot but I am troubled that this could even be a consideration.
How can I possibly care about who someone else loves or their religion or their skin color? Why is there so much prejudice, hatred, jealousy? Sorry, I just don’t get it.
My parents taught me their views of right and wrong. The older I get, the more wisdom I see in their teachings. They told me not to be concerned about people who though Jews had horns or killed Christ or thought ill of me because I was honest, faithful and ethical. They told me to follow their teachings and I would have a great quality of life surrounded by others of quality. That turned out to be right.
I married a real lady. I have wonderful and exceptional friends. I do not agree with everything our children and grandchildren do. However, each in their own way are extraordinary and I am proud to say “meet my daughter, meet each son" and, although, I do not walk around talking about the achievements of our children and grandchildren, I am very pleased overall.
I want to go back to a few things. Yesterday, I worked through a number of issues mostly because I was able to sit down with Barbara, explain that we were approaching a new part of our lives and that we needed to make some adjustments. Between you my readers and me, Barbara took what I had to say better than I did.
I also want to elaborate on the concept of my Wife being the quintessential lady in the same mold as my Mother. I think our children and grandchildren appreciate Barbara’s extraordinary qualities at different levels but not as much, for the most part as I think they will as their wisdom increases.

There is a huge difference between a woman and a lady. There are many matriarchs but that is different. I have met thousands of women. Many are brilliant and hugely successful, but they lack the qualities I am having difficulty explaining. One friend’s Mother, her name was Irma had these qualities. It was an inexplicable aura . Anyway, I have been very contemplative over the past few days and felt the need to express these feelings.
Barbara opted out of dinner but went with friend Steve, a wonderful man now confined to a wheelchair. He is a high quality person.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
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