Thursday February 7:, 2019
We took an Oceania Tour entitled “Hawaiian Lifestyle Culinary Experience”. Essentially, we spent almost the entire day driving around a gorgeous island and visiting three homes where we were served various local dishes, many of which were delicious, but many of which BGM would not think of even trying, and I would only taste or not eat at all as I am also not eating desserts.
One home was a bed and breakfast with just 8 rooms. The view from anywhere in the house was gorgeous as was the house itself. The second house was even more gorgeous than the first, and the third house was truly magnificent.
It was a very pleasant day with some people we liked and some people we did not like. Our guide was very knowledgeable and pleasant.
HOT TIP: This is a port that I think most people could live without. If it were possible, and it might not be, I would try to spend an extra day almost any place else in Hawaii and meet up with the ship before it sails awa.
We spent three days in Hawaii and I really like it. BGM rather be in Florida.
We give our experience at this port a B-

Zongnan Zio, Photographer (Unsplash)