Saturday February 16, 2019
What turned out to be a great day, as enjoyable as any port on our trip thus far, did not start very auspiciously. I had signed up for a private ¾ day Lagoon and Lunch Tour which we missed because the time got away from me talking with a friend about his medical situation, and by the time we got on the tender and got to port, the tour had left without us. Payment of $130, in exact cash, per person was due at the beginning of the tour so I was not out any money.
It turned out to be very fortunate that we missed this tour because our day turned out to be far nicer than it would have been had we been on time. We have become friends with 7 couples, one of whom we see separately. The other six couples all hang out with each other, sometimes everyone, sometimes two or three or four couples.
After we got to the dock and learned we had missed our trip, we ran into one of the couples--=Garry (yes with 2 r’s) had booked a snorkeling trip through Oceania, but Nicki was trying to get 8 people together to take a two hour tour around the Island. It turned out that we ran into two other couples in our “group” who agreed to go and the guide agreed to take the 7 of us, even though, ordinarily, the minimum is 8
It turned to out be a really terrific experience. Our guide was terrific and we saw a good part of Bora Bora which may be the prettiest place on earth. Whereas we were somewhat disappointed by Papeete, in terms of beauty, one could not be disappointed by Bora Bora. It is just gorgeous. If there is an ugly scene, we did not see it and we saw a lot.
Thinking we were going to spend the day on a lagoon, we wore bathing suits for the first time. Believe it or not, I even went in the water. It is salt water and was very warm. I had a little problem getting back in the boat, but overall, I have done better than I thought I would getting in and out of the tenders, navigating steps and getting up and down hills. We are also, even when in ports, exercising at least for an hour in the gym, and BGM also is doing yoga on sea days. She, of course, is in unbelievable shape, but I have done more than okay.
Our boat tour turned out to be closer to three hours. After the tour, BGM walked to a restaurant called the Mai Kai and had a very nice lunch. The most famous restaurant in Bora Bora is Bloody Mary’s, but it is really more of a tourist than a local restaurant which we prefer. Hearing the description of Bloody Mary’s from our boat guide, I was reminded of Harry’s American Bar where everything goes once and spends $30 or now maybe more for a hamburger. It is $15 for a hamburger in Bora Bora.
Our relatively simple lunch cost $120 including one glass on Tahitian white wine and one local beer. The food, although extremely tasty, was not so sumptuous that I did not have a chicken dog on the way back to the ship.
Actually, $15 is probably reasonable because Bora Bora is supposed to be the most expensive island in the world. If it is not number 1, it is close to it. WE did not see the Four Seasons on Bora Bora but we heard it is about $2000 a night.
HOT TIP: Do anything you like to do and you will have a good time. It is simply a nice place to be.
It is fully understandable why Bora Bora is so popular for honeymooners, it is really an unbelievable place and we give this port A.
Robert Edward Bradley, Photographer (Unsplash)