Thursday morning, instead of watching MSNBC cover the issue of getting a House Speaker so our government can, presumably, go back to work, I turned on Fox News to see how they were covering the issue. Based upon the approximate 45 minutes I watched, the issue was not covered.
There was a segment of robots working in restaurants, Biden’s plans to visit the border and assorted other issues, but no real coverage of what is going on in Washington. I did see a box reflecting the votes on the last ballot McCarthy lost on Wednesday which was the 6th ballot. The was also a box reflecting when the voting would begin yesterday.
By 3 to 2, the South Carolina Supreme Court overruling the Republican Governor's signing a bill banning abortion after cardiac activity is detected, typically around six weeks, found the law unconstitutional. The Court ruled that the law violated the State’s Constitution’s right to privacy. Yeah!
Donald Trump was nominated for Speaker and received one vote. That is correct, one vote, and that was from the person who nominated him. The only good news is that while the Republicans struggle, they cannot begin to do the damage they intend to do once they get a Speaker.
Pay attention here. I confess to experiencing a great deal of joy watching the Republicans bumble around unable to elect a Speaker. However, the joy is going to be very short-lived because what is really going on is that we are watching a process to determine which maniac in the Republican Party is going to lead this country into catastrophe by refusing to raise the debt ceiling. The chaos that will occur when that occurs will really be unimaginable and there will be no laughing then.
Almost all -- if not all -- of the 20 nays are demanding we go into default. For McCarthy to be Speaker even a day they say he has to agree. As things are going, no matter who becomes Speaker from the current crop, the patients will be in charge of the asylum I am not guessing here. My crystal ball is working beautifully.
In my view, the glee being presently felt by the Democrats, while fully understandable, is misplaced. Yes, it is great that all 212 Democrats are united behind Jeffries. It is not only great, it is essential. However, the Democrats need to do much more than just sit by and watch the clown show because judgment day is coming.
What Jeffries and the Democrats need to do is take a strong hand in helping to find a moderate Republican, probably someone not presently in the House who can make a deal that will satisfy enough Republicans and enough Democrats to get to 218.
Maybe there are a few elected Republicans smart enough to go to Jeffries and the Democratic leadership and say, “Let’s make a deal”. Here is my list of moderate Republicans who support raising the debt ceiling, working together and actually governing.
Now what do you want in exchange for moving your support from Jeffries, who is very unlikely to ever get above 212
Votes and make me the Speaker.
The bottom line is that, if things do not radically change, however long it takes for the smoke to clear, there will be pure and utter chaos. Someone has to ride in on a white (or black) horse and save everybody. What we are watching now is a contest to see which Kamikazi is going to fly the plane.
I can almost promise you I am right. McCarthy is a horrible negotiator. He gives without receiving and when you strip away the tinsel, you get to the real tinsel underneath. I think Jeffries needs to make himself a houseguest in Nancy Pelosi’s house.
Once Louis Armstrong, whom I consider the single greatest jazz musician of all time, was asked what he did when he first heard the great King Oliver play. Satchmo said something like, “I went in and took my lesson”. That is what Jeffries and the new House Democratic leadership needs to do, and before it is too late.
Last night Seabourn put on a class event for about 180 passengers taking the entire 140 day world cruise. We were put up at the Mandarin Oriental and attended a black tie gala with first rate drinks of all kinds and very good food. There was a lot of entertainment including an eight-piece band. The gala began at 7 p.m. and by 10 p.m. we were both exhausted and left .
We had cocktails and appetizers and then a sit-down dinner where we were not only assigned a table but also a seat at that table. No one sat next to thir spouse or significant other, the intent being to meet other passengers.
This morning we are given breakfast and then driven to the ship to board on a priority basis. Seabourn tried very hard to be very accommodating. So far, so good. Today will be another exhausting day because my Wife’s Type A personality will force her to unpack and put away everything it took her two weeks to pack where she wants it. If you had visited our house during the packing period, you could have well concluded that we were moving.
I get to vote most of the time, but not all the time. Of course, the reciprocal is also true.
Our adventure continues. Are we not among the luckiest people in the world? Make no mistake, the lynchpin is not the physical, mental or financial ability to do this kind of trip, but it is the unlimited love, respect, and commitment Barbara and I have for one another.
Remember we met in September 1958 before many of you were even born .
See you tomorrow. At least, that is my plan.
Go Ukraine