Concert yesterday was really good. Pianist only 25 but already highly regarded. The audience loved her. I walked to and from the theatre, only about 2500 steps, but that was still somewhat of a struggle. My dinner last night was a scoop of coffee gelato and a scoop of strawberry sorbetto homemade in the gelateria right next to our apartment
Mike Pence has suspended his campaign. He had no chance so it was a wise move.
Trump is saying crazy things about the New York Judge Maybe his theory, on appeal, will be the trial judge could not have been fair because of all the terrible things I said about him. Kind of like killing your parents and pleading for mercy because you are an orphan.
Happy 21st birthday to Jaden Fox Miller. When he was born, I would be so excited to go see him that I came close to running over little old ladies in my rush to get there.
You would think the Dolphins would arrange something for their fans going to Frankfurt, but so far, nada. Not even transport to the stadium or some kind of acknowledgement of our being at the game.
A nice surprise. My friend Jim Jimmerson, a great lawyer and friend, no lawyer better in Vegas, is joining us for brunch today. He and I shared a love with Gary Silverman who recently chose to die .
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine