As Willie Nelson sang, “There are more old drunks than there are old doctors”.
So far, the only way the Republicans have suggested to curb inflation is to lower the cost of abortion. Seriously, has anyone heard any constructive suggestions from the conservative right except “Stop providing vital services or helping those who need help?”.
Not much to say about the Yankees. The Astros are just not beating them, they are humiliating them.
Meanwhile, the Phillies got behind 4 to 0 in the first inning and came back to win 10 to 6. They are one win from the World Series.
I expect that Trump, who I guess is bored about his litigation life, is threatening to sue the Pulitzer Committee over the fact that it awarded those who wrote about Russian interference in the 2016 election. This stupid, stupid move, by lawyers who have to be some kind of desperate to take such a case, will not hurt the Donald at all. No one cares a whit what the man does or says. He seems to have a permanent exemption from ‘normal'.
Trump has also sued his niece for $100 million. Another defamation suit.
I expect that if the Republicans take control, they will try to establish an additional Circuit Court of Appeals whose jurisdiction would be limited to just litigation brought by Trump. In this new land of “Legal Oz” Trump can appoint all the judges, their Clerks, and write all the opinions emanating from the Court. The Clerk will be Ginni Thomas.
What continues to amaze me is that the minions who love Trump know he is batshit crazy and that is okay with them. In fact, it is better than okay, it is the greatest. We really have lost our way in this Country and not enough people care to try to do anything about it. Some are still mad at the Democrats that they had to wear masks . The freedom is important, but the freedom of a woman to choose or the freedom to marry anyone one loves, means nothing. I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone.
A really nice evening at son Charles’ last night. Five of our seven grandchildren attended and all thee children. Food was great because Charles is a great cook. Today Grandson Jaden goes back to Vassar where he is doing extremely well.
Another thing I do not understand is the alleged Republican strategy that, if they vote by mail, they mail their ballot at the last minute. I like the idea given our postal system has deteriorated to the point where soon Pony Express will be just as fast, but our ballot is going in very early. Then, we check to make sure it is received.
I have now lost almost 25 pounds and am doing better than I have done in a long time. Still have not resolved my “pill situation” with Aetna. Our Firm’s H.R. Department is going to try to help. I just cannot be the first Aetna policyholder who has travelled for more than 90 days. In fact, three years ago, we took a six month cruise and had no trouble at all.
Still shaking my head at being asked, not just once, “Do you need all your pills?” I asked which ones they suggested I not take. One pill, Eliquis, really cannot be stopped once one begins taking it. It is hard to soar with the eagles when you work with turkeys.
Barbara is literally working as hard as anyone can work to help the Democrats. I was just invited to an event where President Biden is coming to Florida to campaign so the National Party is not giving up on Florida.
We need both Obamas down here. We also need the “ground game” that was so successful for Obama.
Go Ukraine and vote as if your life depended upon it.