Well, it is now clear as a bell to me, that, based upon the fact that I thought a rather erudite analysis of the vote on lifting the debt ceiling garnered maybe two dozen responses and less than a dozen comments, but that a picture of the penis on the fake David at The Four Seasons garnered over 200 responses, that there is a serious case of "subpoenas envy” going around.

Brunch yesterday was very much enjoyed by my family. Barbara stayed home, I went but ate so little that I was not charged. I never asked not to be charged. However, when you are known in Florence, you are treated specially.as a Florentine.
What are the chances of a restaurant in our Country not charging someone at a buffet because after I ate some things and I was brought a special fish sandwich without salt, again without asking? Little to no chance at all.
Florence still has some who try to take advantage. The Four Seasons called me a taxi. The driver did not know I lived here, and instead of taking me home the right way, he show me most of Florence. When I got back, he claimed he did not speak English but he had greeted my daughter in law in perfect English. I gave him 10 euros half what the meter said and said take this or I call the police. He took it. If you travel and have Waves or the equivalent on your phone, it never hurts to turn it on as if I good protection against dishonest taxi drivers.
Friday was a huge day up in the stock market because we averted going into default. Now, what happens today and in the next several weeks? The predictions are all over the map
Are our elected politicians so without other issues on which to focus, that so many are transfixed on transgender issues? That just cannot be our focus. Leave these people alone and let them live as they want to live. I just do not get it.
Followed the Marlins game. They came from a deficit of 5 to 1 to win 7 to 5. They are four games above .500, pretty good for this team.
—————————- Not much to say because we have no television, and, generally, much of the newsworthy issues are discussed on the Sunday talk shows. My view is that these shows are getting weaker. The experts, at least most of them, most of the time, fail to drill down. I get the feeling they think the viewers are not very bright and they may be right. Sad but fewer and fewer people seem to really care about the serious matters.
Are Haley and Scott still running? Anyone know where they stand on issues?
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine