In Ann Arbor. Flight from Lauderdale to Detroit was sold out, but early arriving. The lunch provided was actually edible and the flight attendant was just terrific.
The new Detroit Airport is huge. One can walk for miles from the landing gate to the baggage claim. However, there are very nice shops and restaurants and restrooms about every 500 feet. Baggage take about 20% of the time as at Miami Airport. The car rentals are a long distance away, and the traffic leaving the airport on a Friday afternoon was bumper-to-bumper. Nonetheless the trip went as smoothly as one could hope..
We attended a cocktail party where the food was horrendous and the cash bar both limited and double the price of the hotel bar less than 100 yards from our private room. Afterwards almost everyone went to dinner at an Asian Fusion place, Pacific Rim, which was really very good and very, very inexpensive. Even though it is not a football weekend, Ann Arbor is hopping. I think there are few college towns that can match it.
We arrived too late to take a tour of the Big House. Those who went loved it.
This is our 61st reunion. At dinner with two other couples, one couple was married 59 years, one 60 years, and we are married 61. Another couple attending is married 60, and others 50 years or close to it.
We all evolve, but I still really like the people I really liked when I was 18, and the people I could take or leave then, I feel the same about now.
For those of you interested, my impartial opinion is that Barbara was the most attractive person in the room.
Many of us think Trump, Giuliani and others should already be in jail just based upon what it is clear they did in Georgia. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Giuliani ended up in jail because of his failure to produce certain paperwork in divorce proceedings? That could happen any time now.
Will watch Michigan play Indiana at noon today.
Will try to make it a very early night tonight because Sunday morning we have to get up at 4 a.m. to get a 7 a.m. plane from Detroit to New York in time to see the Dolphins' game against the Jets. It feels good that we can still do these kinds of crazy things. I suspect many half our age would say “no way”.
Go Ukraine and vote as if your life depends upon it.
