I have not written a lot about Brittney Griner. The trade, almost how harsh the terms, have to be met. Two Americans are prisoners in Russia. I was always taught that American lives are close to priceless. Make the deal and move on, because I can no longer watch and listen to all the bullshit being spewed in support of making the trade. I chose not to further comment on the fact that Griner is Black and gay. She is an American, there is one human race and if she can be saved, save her. End of story.
$45.2 million in punitive damages is a great number all around. Whether it is collectible, whether a low number can be stipulated to if paid forthwith, is another story. If Jones takes an appeal, which he has the right to do, he either, I think, has to post a bond which no one will write except for cash, or the Plaintiffs can pursuit all their remedies.
Great news for me. The results of my blood tests indicated no further deterioration of the problem with which my doctor was concerned, my condition actually improved in a material respect. That is really good.
United flight to Chicago from Lauderdale was right on time and completely sold out. CLEAR worked so I got through security very fast. A nice passenger exchanged seats with me so my bad leg could be on the aisle and stretch.
We are all staying at The Peninsula which is very nice. It's very well located, has well designed rooms, and has the best elevator service I have ever seen In any hotel.
Dinner wasat Joe’s which is just a 20 minute walk. I walked both ways without a problem and had about 6 steps. I do not think the restaurant compares to the one in Miami Beach but it was mobbed. They do over 700 dinners on a night like last night.
One thing we forgot was to ask for a round table. That is a better way for parties of more than four to sit in a restaurant. ————————-
Marlins lost 2 to 1 yesterday to Cubs as we were traveling to Chicago.
Indiana has passed a bill restricting almost all abortions. The citizens of Indiana did not vote. The State House and State Senate passed the bill and the Governor signed it. Query: is that the end of this issue in Indiana or do the people in Indiana get to vote?
Before I meet the guys at noon today to go to Wrigley Field, I am having breakfast with Susie Wishnick, her Husband, children, and her sister Dana. It is Susie and Dana’s Mother Joyce whom I usually see when I go to Vegas. I went to college with Joyce and her Husband David. Barbara and I lived next door to the Wishnicks when I was in law school in Chicago. We lived on Richmond in West Rogers Park between Peterson and Devon.
Not having even one Vienna hot dog in Chicago is something I never thought would happen to me. Anyone “in the know” knows just how catastrophic what I have announced is.
Never turned on a television once I left home Friday morning to go to airport, so I do not have a lot to say. One thing I read is that Biden will not be signing the Burn Bill until August 10. Can anyone tell me the reason for the delay?
Go Ukraine and vote as if your life depends upon it.

Wrigley Field, Chicago