Wednesday was such a momentous day on multiple fronts so, in my view, other than what is going on in Russia, I had the feeling that all the tumult here was really anti-climatic. Trump’s litigation woes commanded most of the attention. What was really significant is that at least some Judges, no matter how conservative and regardless of who appointed them, will follow the law.
It was just not that Trump got his legal ass handed to him, it was that the Rule of Law was not yet dead. Yes, Cannon was absolutely wrong on the law, but her most grievous error was carving out special treatment for Trump. We cannot have an effective or fair system of Justice if there is not a level playing field for every litigant.
I have no problem with people who write books going on television to plug their sale. In fact, the publisher expects the author to help promote the book. A member of MSNBC I really like has not written a book, but he has written a forward. He is plugging the living shit out of it to the extent it is getting on my nerves. Enough is enough.
I have the perfect match. Judge Cannon’s career as a jurist is now forever besmirched. She is sort of the Pete Rose of district court judges without the talent. Donald Trump is going to need lots of legal talent, which I predict is going to become more and more difficult to find. It may be easier to sell tickets on the Titanic.
I think Trump should make Cannon an offer she cannot refuse. She resigns from the Bench and signs a long term contract to join Trump’s legal team. She should require a large non- refundable retainer and try to get her contract guaranteed.
DeSantis is getting sued right and left, but he is a hero to a lot of people. It is a mystery to me how our humanity seems to have disappeared.
Our generator finally was installed yesterday. It is still not in working order because the gas company has to come out and increase something or other.
Our automatic garage door broke, which consumed all afternoon and several thousand dollars to get repaired
I did not have my trainer yesterday, but I managed to do most of the things I would have done had he come. He will train me later this morning.
The dollar is hanging in there at $.98. Even though I did not intend to use more cash, particularly with real estate taxes and charitable donations looming, I would have been stupid not to purchase euros, so yesterday I did. We go to Italy right after the election for about five weeks.
I am going to the Marlins game tonight with son Steven. Whether this will be my last game of the season remains to be seen.
Go Ukraine and vote as if your life depended upon it.