Wow, Sidney Powell has plead guilty. I am not totally surprised, but I am moderately surprised. Now does Chesebro go to trial all by himself? Stay tuned.
Arrived safely in Florence. Entire trip spanned 26 hours. Still everything is already unpacked. What is missing is food, which, if I want to eat, means most of today shopping. Barbara has her popcorn.
With the crisis in the Middle East, and no Speaker, the auto strike continues, but little attention is being given to it.
Phillies finally lost a game. Astros are right back in it, beating Rangerstwo games in a row on the road.
Senator Feinstein’s replacement has chosen not to run in 2024
Go to one grocery store early this morning, but Barbara put the kabosh on my going to get fresh orange juice and other items our neighborhood place do not carry. She is afraid for me to do too much today since our travel here was so enervating,
Barbara actually mentioned our getting a television here.
We have our first concert tomorrow at 4 p.m.. American Friends of Florence Music, the Foundation of which I am President, just funded three grants totaling euros 80,000 so we are always given very good seats for these concerts.
I do better with the six hour time changing coming to Italy, than does Barbara,but coming back to Florida, I am the one who has much more trouble getting acclimated.
Trump’s supporters say they will vote for him even if he is in prison. What does that tell you about a brillliant electorate?
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine