What a difference a place makes, to borrow from the great Dinah Washington. California judges have been cautioned to avoid law firm celebrations. They have been advised, generally, that they should not attend in order to avoid appearing to have a special relationship with or endorsing the firm which could undermine public confidence in their fairness.
My bet is California might take the position that accepting school tuition, accepting cruises on a luxury lot and having their mothers live rent free in a house owned by a lawyer is, to borrow from another phrase, out of the question.
It is now about 10 p.m. on Friday night as we approach Barcelona to disembark about 7 a.m. Saturday. Our bags are all out the door. We have our boarding passes for Barecelona to Munich to Florence. Our car to Barcelona airport has been scheduled and confirmed. Gianni has arranged to have us picked up at Florence Airport. It will be a long day but should be in our apartment by 7 p.m.

Barbara did an incredible job getting us packed. She has to be exhausted, but I am going to sleep and she is still up
Nice Galley lunch. Get this: our trivia team won one of the two grand prizes but betting a dollar instead of most teams so bet every point they had and lost. Four teams ended up with O.
We were told the category which was “Mamma Mia”. I was the teams musical expert and I was asked how much I knew. Although I saw the show multiple times, I was smart enough to know any trivia about the show was way above my level of knowledge. I was right. No team got the right answer to the question “ what was the name of Donna’s band?” Lesson learned: sometimes best not to bet.
Not sure why the market made such a big move up on Friday. Still no deal on raising the debt limit, but it is counter-intuitive that profess is not being made given this big move.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine