The Republican led House failed to override President Biden’s veto of a resolution that would have prevented retirement fund managers from accounting for certain social factors when making investment decisions. The vote was 219-200 overcoming the veto but a two-thirds majority vote is needed. initially, all Republicans a done Democrat voted the wrong way.
As many of you know, we own an apartment in the center of Florence, Italy. Out our front door to the right, about 100 meters is the famous Duomo. We can see it from the balcony off our bedroom and from our bed as when we reconfigured the law office space we bought in 2005 to make an apartment, we wanted to take advantage of seeing one of the most famous edifices in the world.
Out our front door to the left about 100 meters, then left one block, then right another 100 meters is the Academia. It houses, arguably the most famous sculpture in the world, The David by Michelangelo. Literally, thousands line up to see this world famous sculpture done by the same artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

I am not exaggerating when I say that people the world over flock to Florence to see the David. The lines often go for blocks as people wait to see the David. So, it is beyond incredible that a Florida school principal has been fired for showing students pictures of “David”. Why is not everyone up in arms. Seriously people, this is as bad as Nazi Germany.
Yesterday was a “sad first”. Our last port in Australia was Broome. It has a really nice Chinatown and a great beer brewery. I was really looking forward to enjoying Broome and even abstained from alcohol and had a sandwich in our cabin for dinner Thursday night so I could leave Australia with a bang. It did not happen. Something happened to my stomach in the middle of the night and I just could not get my act together. Barbara had some things she needed and some things she wanted to do so I insisted she go off the ship without me. We have never before been separated under these circumstances. Even when I have been hospitalized, even during Covid, my Wife stayed by my side. I told the doctors, sometimes having to appeal to the top administrators, that my Wife takes care of me and if she cannot be there by my side,, I will sign whatever forms are necessary and leave. So, yesterday was not my favorite day. We now have two sea days on way to Bali and I expect I will be fine sometime before we arrive. Maybe G-d, in her infinite wisdom, was tell me “time to stop For a while.
There are a few meals Seabourn puts out regularly such as a German buffet where, even excluding the beers available, can easily be 5000 calorie meals. Lots of shirts on some passengers that were bought a month ago and huge are now difficult for some of the passengers to even button. Been there, done that in my lifetime and prefer not to have it happen again.
Because I stayed in the cabin, I had the unfortunate opportunity to watch the news. Oh my! Marjorie Taylor Greene is visiting January 6 prisoners in jail. Some are already convicted but she calls them “ political prisoners". Jim Jordan is totally running amuck. This man may be a medal winner for getting further with less intelligence, but thinking about it, he may not even be in the top 15 or 20 and that is just in the House.
Sadly I saw Jamie Raskin with his head wrapped due to his ongoing cancer treatment. Still no indictments.
Trump is widening his lead over DeSantis. I love it because DeSantis is far more dangerous. Trump is trying to incite protests in New York. He is not doing well in that regard but he is doing damn well raising money for the defense of various criminal proceedings he faces including paying off a porn star. Anyone see any mixed messages here? Children cannot see the David because genitalia are included but it is all right to contribute to help a former President who wants to serve again, defend what, by most standards, is a immoral lifestyle. Something is wrong with this picture. If I knew how, I would put a picture of the David at the top of this post. MSNBC showed the entire sculpture.
Query: why can little Johnny go online and see naked pictures of Stormy Daniels, but he cannot see David’s penis? Just asking for a friend.
Something also needs to be said about the principal being fired? The lawyers should be standing in line on this one.
The is a joke about an ad in the San Francisco newspaper:
Wanted job paying $500,000 per annum working for ob/gyn stripping all female patients and oiling them for gynecological exam by doctor.
Guy runs down to newspaper office, and says he is here to answer the ad for job paying $500,000 to work for doctor. He is told he has to go to Cheyenne, Wyoming. He asks is that where the job is. No, comes the reply, that is where the end of the line is.
The Senate Select Committee on Ethics has admonished Lindsey Graham for improperly raising funds for Herschel Walker. Talk about a meaningless action? This will not have any adverse consequences for Graham. In fact, he will probably wear it as a badge of courage. My hero.
Did anyone think Kevin McCarthy would still be Speaker? I did because he’s a whores whore in fact, I just insulted members of the world’s oldest profession and I apologize.
Where, by the way, is the Republican budget? That is the biggest issue coming down the pike. The Republican lunatics are threatening to blow up not just our economy but the economies of much of the world.
Three questions for $50 so my last question is not “isn’t that a lot of money?”, but rather what are the Democrats, particularly those in Arizona going to do about burying Senator Sinema somewhere in the desert where she will never be found? Actually, I am thinking about a double grave with Kari Lake in the other one. I understand Sinema would not mind a female roommate.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan .
Go Ukraine