Lost in poker, came in 2nd in trivial pursuit. Might have won yesterday but our star player had to leave in the middle of the game to deal with a personal issue.
Without consulting with one another, yesterday morning Barbara reached the same conclusion that going to the sommelier lunch was just too much food and drink. Seabourn graciously allowed us to cancel at no charge. I think Mother Nature screwed up by not allowing us to lose weight due to the calories we don’t consume. Barbara ended up not eating lunch and I had a very modest salad, maybe 300 calories. Lunch would have been thousands of calories for each of us.
Last night Seabourn put on a 50’s party. It was fun but the food was not for my beloved Wife and I had to pass on the French fries, milk shakes and bananas foster. There was a huge crowd even though only those taking the entire 140 day cruise were invited.
Sunday we make our first stop in Australia where we spend the next 28 days. We cannot get off in Burnbury to spend the night with our friends from Perth. However, our friends are driving from Perth to Burnbury, taking us for the day, then dropping us at the ship driving home to Perth and picking us up the next day in Perth. Australian immigration is a total pain in the ass.
Steve Bannon is a chip off the old Trump block. Bannon has stiffed his lawyers over $480,000 and the lawyers are now suing him. My personal opinion is that the stupidity of these lawyers in not getting paid, if not up front than as they go, makes me not feel sorry for them. Not that they deserve not to be paid, but did they really think a jerk like Bannon would pay them?
Last night was the first night that I was not exhausted at the end of the day. I actually wrote this post upon returning to our cabin. Found a note saying we set our clock back another hour. That was just in case I needed another hour’s sleep.
The owner of the Marlins says he expect the team to make the playoffs this year. I guess stranger things have happened, but I think the man has been sniffing glue.

This cruise is really a trip of a lifetime type experience which few people are lucky enough to ever enjoy. Still, the best part of the cruise is being able to spend so much time with Barbara. Just think we know each other 65 years and our 62nd anniversary is coming up March 12. How lucky can you get?
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan
Go Ukraine