DeSantis fired another duly elected State Attorney. That is ridiculous. Surprised he has not gone after Dave Aronberg State Attorney in Palm Beach. Now, that is a matchup I would love to see.
Today will be an interesting day for Trump. Government wants to go to trial January 2 and start picking a jury in December. I have no idea what the Judge will do, but I know Trump’s lawyers will be in vehement opposition.
The motion for protective order will be argued this morning. This is a key hearing because I cannot imagine Trump will obey any order entered.

Dolphin pre season game tonight. Announcers are not allowed to refer to these games as “exhibition” games.
I am posting this early because my first sentence was posted inadvertently. Figured I would just finish the post and be done with it.
Nice lunch at home with Bobby and Elaine. In fact,the lunch was so good, I had the same food for dinner.
If any of my friends fell in the last 24 hours, no one has let me know.
I drink a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice every day. Sometimes two glassses notwithstanding the calories. The Whole Foods outlet in Aventura has trouble making it available. Sometimes the machine is broken, for several days they could not get the containers. Yesterday, there was no machine but the excuse was they did not have oranges. I was looking at thousands of oranges in the bins while being told this bullshit.
See you tomorrow. At least that is my plan.
Go Ukraine