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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Writer's picture: Carol LiegeCarol Liege

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Sunday, December 19, 2021

For some reason I struggled yesterday. Just could not find the normal energy I have to have to get things done. I did go to dry cleaners and the pharmacy but have to go back to pharmacy because they forgot to cut in half this already very small pill I take. I tried myself. I even bought a pill cutter and ended up with powder. It was still not easy to find a place to park but this time I succeeded. Yeah!

One good thing about yesterday is that I did not write a check for a birthday, nor do I have to today. Then, as Ira Gershwin wrote, “the road gets rougher….” Three birthdays in four days. Maybe I should just have my pay sent directly to the objects of my bounty and hope they throw me a few bucks from time to time.

I am not yet ready for the Olympics, but all indications are today will be a better day. That will probably include my eating more than yesterday


At dinner the other night, my friend and I got into a discussion of Johnny Cash, and which were our three favorite songs. We were in agreement about two out of three. “Man In Black” and “Folsom Prison Blues” made both lists. Then, he had “The Ballad of Ira Hayes” and I had “A Boy Named Sue”.


Kyrie Irving is a huge basketball star. He makes over $34 million a year. He refuses to be vaccinated saying he has to do what is right for himself and he does not accept mandates.

Putting aside that the man’s income is obscene based upon many but not all criteria, I, for one think his decision is beyond stupid. I have no idea of the terms of his contract, but if I were the team owner, I would try to get rid of this guy.


Every day I read at least one article telling me that this is how Warren Buffet invests his money, these are the principles he follows, and that I should do the same. Every time I see something like that, part of my brain thinks about taking down a recipe book that says at the beginning of a recipe “first take five billion eggs, mix them with 3 million quarts of milk ……”


I also love getting these unsolicited phone calls from stockbrokers I do not know telling me that they have the greatest deal for me. Sometimes, I just hang up. Sometimes, I thank them for calling and might even add that I have had the same broker for over 50 years, and then I hang up. Sometimes, even though I am never bored, I want a break so I let the solicitor give me the whole presentation and then say something like “this must be my lucky day. I was just sitting here thinking that I am approaching the end of a long career, what perfect stranger can I turn over my hard-earned assets to and you called. Then, I hang up


Some good things did happen. About 40 Biden judicial appointments were confirmed. There are still many to go, but a lot of ambassadorial appointments were finally confirmed which is finally at least some progress.

I think Schumer’s biggest weapon is to threaten the Senate that they cannot go home to do nothing until they stop doing nothing in Washington. I think the Senate worked until 4 a.m. so they could get out of town.


Off to the Dolphin game in a few hours. I am not sure Covid has left us with much of a team but it is still fun to go and, generally, fun to be with Beth. The exception is when she finds herself in what she calls “ a little situation”. That means a huge problem(s) and it is time for Daddy. Actually, right now, and I do not want to jinx anything, most of the family seems to be doing well or better.

I have had my resignation as head of my family in my pocket for over a decade but no one has asked for it. Occasionally there are signs that others understand we will not live forever.

My parents, for various reasons, abdicated their roles as the head of the family before I was 35, maybe before I was 30. As the oldest child, and the one most settled, most of the responsibilities fell to me.

To be more accurate, the responsibilities fell to both Barbara and me. Barbara is also the oldest in her family. Those who know her know she is like Superwoman. She can do more things well and often at the same time as a dozen mere mortals. Whatever skill set I have complements her skill set and we have managed to get some things done in our lifetimes. We are still trying, and I realize that it will never completely end until we are buried or just too sick to continue as we have.

See you tomorrow

P.S. Ran across this at 6:30 a.m. and thought it worthwhile sharing on a Sunday morning. I will leave it to each individual to determine how significant or insignificant is this lyric.

[Dolly Parton, Coat of Many Colors]

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