Monday, December 27, 2021
Our vacation on Marco Island has begun. Almost everyone arrived as scheduled but there were a few hitches due to various problems. Ten more people will arrive today.
The weather on Marco Island is great. Our group ate an excellent dinner on the beach in an area set aside just for us as a Covid precaution. We also have our own hospitality room large enough for our entire group. Daughter Beth does a great job accommodating many diverse dietary and other needs.
Tonight there is the Dolphin game which most of us will watch together. The Dolphins are a very long shot to make the playoffs but yesterday things could not have gone better for them. Everyone who needed to lose lost.
Condolences to my friend Mike Wheatley. After dinner, I watched the first half of the Dallas v Washington game. Mike’s team gave up 42 first half points. I thought I was watching a track meet.
I made the wrong choice yesterday electing to come across Florida on the Tamiami Trail rather than Alligator Alley. We hit an accident on the Palmetto which delayed us over an hour.
Fortunately, the diuretics I have to take did not cause me a problem. We had son Steven’s two children with us as Steven had to stay behind due to two German Shepherds who could not be boarded until today. Charles’s Wife Cindy had to stay behind so the doctor could check Grandson Ryan’s hand this morning and so Granddaughter Alanna had another day to recover from a non Covid related illness. All of Beth’s family made it, including Grandson Blake’s best friend and their service dog, who guards Beth’s children unbelievably well. I pity anyone who tries to do harm to those kids 
It will be interesting to see how the stock market behaves the last week of the year. Often, there is profit taking and the market goes down. The futures, however, are up as I write this post so maybe it will be a good week or at least a good day.
Do you notice that every time a Republican is caught saying something outrageous, their excuse is “I was just kidding”. That phrase has replaced “the dog ate my homework”. In South Florida, lawyers traveling north to Broward from Dade for a hearing used “my car broke down” when late for a hearing.
Another favorite of lawyers looking for a continuance is “a key witness is not available, Mr. Green”. That means the lawyer has not been paid.
Our youngest participant in this year’s trip is less than four months old so she is not old enough to do anything more than any other infant. However, we have several other young children who just have a ball. They all get along together and are very independent. This means their parents are able to enjoy themselves as well.
David and I conceived this trip about 35 years ago. We wanted our children and future grandchildren to have the opportunity to forge the kind of friendship David and I have had. David’s Wife Mary also played a role. We used to always spend New Year’s in Vegas. Mary and David had two young children and Mary liked the idea of making the holidays a family thing. So, we moved the Vegas trip to mid-January when the football playoffs occur and this family trip started.
By the way, we have not missed that Vegas trip during this same 34=years. Once or twice, we did not get their early enough for the football, but we always got there except when Covid prevented it
Barbara has not missed a beat with her yoga lessons. As I write this, I can hear Aleks her yoga teacher putting everyone through their paces.
Sorry to disappoint anyone looking for any erudite pearls of wisdom. I am very busy doing nothing.